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Who knows a child better than his or her parents? No one.

Therefore, it is pertinent for you to know everything that’s going on in your

child’s life.

You should be the first to know what is happening in your child’s life.

You should know when something is wrong with your child.

You should be the first to notice if something is up with your child, if they are

withdrawn or behavior changes.

Parents should therefore be the first to know when their child is going through

issues such as sexual abuse.

Listen to your instincts, follow your guts, if you feel something isn’t right with

your child’s behaviour. Please ask questions, listen to your child and never

shut them up.

Below are some signs that they may be facing sexual assault.

1. BEHAVIOURAL CHANGE/WITHDRAWAL: Children going through sexual

assault tend to withdraw, it’s either they are more quiet/reserved than

they usually are, sad, cranky, depressed, mood swings, low self-esteem,

shyness, difficulty concentrating.


might change, they start to eat less, some develop insomnia because of

the fear of nightmares and the abuse, some others start to bed wet

3. AVOIDING CERTAIN PEOPLE AND PLACES: The child might avoid being

with certain people alone such as the abuser or going to certain places

just to feel safe and avoid another abuse.

4. INNAPROPRIATE SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR: the child acts in ways

inappropriate for his or her age either by talking about sex in an explicit

way, drawing or writing, watching pornography or overly interested in

anything sexual.

5. PHYSICAL SIGNS: When you see scratches and injuries on your child’s

body, especially that they are trying to hide, if you observe your child

starts to walk in a funny way like limping, please ask questions. Physical

signs involve bleeding, pains in the leg, soreness or bruises around the

genital area/mouth or body parts, sexually transmitted diseases,


6. FREQUENT GIFTS AND MONEY: The harasser tends to bribe the child

with gift items and money so as not to talk about it.

7. TALK OF A NEW FRIEND: The child might constantly talk about a new

friend he or she likes.

8. KEEPING OF SECRETS: An abused child might get really secretive,

mostly unable to say stuff or explain somethings when they usually are

not secretive.

9. REFUSAL TO BATHE, CHANGE CLOTHES: these children will tend to

avoid bathing, changing anything that makes them naked or feel naked.

10. TROUBLE IN SCHOOL: An intelligent child might start to lag behind in

class, often get in trouble at school either by acting violently, or

engaging in inappropriate sexual behavior at school or skipping


11. SEXUAL GAMES/MASTURBATION: Children might start to masturbate

excessively, start to use sex toys or involve in sexual games with

friends, adults that is inappropriate or way above their age.

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